Suir Blueway
Greenways and Blueways course through Ireland’s wild landscapes offer amazing walking, cycling and boating opportunities. Irish greenways and blueways are designated traffic-free paths for the exclusive use of cyclists, pedestrians and other non-motorised transport.
The Suir Blueway in County Tipperary opened in 2019 and runs for 53km in an east-west direction from Carrick-on-Suir to Cahir via Clonmel. The route is made up of a walking/ cycling trail for 21km which runs from Carrick-on-Suir to Clonmel and a further 32km of waterway along the River Suir which can be canoed or kayaked. It is the river-based element of the route that makes it a Blueway rather than a Greenway.
For our UK visitors, you might find some tips on planning your cycle holiday with Savvy Cycling.